Emotions Massage

Emotions Massage

To discover new dimensions of pleasure, we propose discovering Massage of Emotions – a sensual, very complex and magical technique, a delight with delicate, sensitive and affectionate caresses that will translate into a true celestial tune of the senses and noble feelings.

In addition to classic relaxation maneuvers, delicious touches are applied all over the body.

Using warm, natural oil, the touch is sensual, creating an exciting symphony on your skin.

In this unique massage, you will be elevated to the level of extreme and luxurious feelings where the technique is performed with the masseuse’s own body, gently immersing you in a world of pleasure and comfort.

Presented only with a thong ribbon, the masseuse caresses you with her hands, breasts, buttocks and other parts of the body – immersing you in a world of fantasy and harmony. The massaged person is immersed in an ocean of happiness. This massage is a guide to the world of relaxation, comfort and sensual flight.

Based on where we are here and now, we arrive through the senses and energies that awaken and elevate, to an expansion of consciousness and to establish a state of happiness that makes you float throughout the day.

You will feel as if you are in a trance, where physical boundaries dissolve and time disappears.

This massage is done on a heated marble platform with soft mattresses for your comfort. In summer the mat is warm.

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